Social Media App

CloutHub is a pioneering social media platform, developed from the ground up. Unlike Twitter and Facebook, it is meticulously designed to eliminate corporate bias and influence from social discourse, empowering user to create a meaningful social impact.

Social Media App

Social Networking Apps: Challenges

Social Media/Social Networking is essential to build a community that can collaborate and influence ideas. Social media also has become a critical source of news and information for the new generation. Social media has also amplified discussions and influence on social and political topics.

However, there is a strong opinion that Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter do not act free and fair. It is felt the rules of the games in these platforms are rigged to enhance some voices and suppress some voices.

CloutHub Inc, based out of California, wanted to build a social media platform that is free from influence, and is fair to all participants. Besides, from a technical perspective, CloutHub wanted to bring some of the best features of Facebook, Twitter and Youtube on to a single platform.

Our Solution

APPiLY Technologies developed a custom social media platform, right from scratch to address the requirements of CloutHub. We provided a complete end-to-end social networking platform, with mobile app and web app at the frontend, APIs and Databases at the backend and deployed the solution in AWS Cloud.

We architected the platform in such a way that it is scalable from the beginning and can handle millions of user accounts and millions of posts per day. Our AWS deployment was engineered to be cost effective and scale with demand.

We also developed the frontend and backend in a modular fashion and we could swap and make changes to the platform features with ease. This was essential for CloutHub to deploy features, get user feedback and quickly make changes to meet the user needs and behaviour.

Public Forum Video Post
Public Forum Shared Post
Post Details with Comments
Video Gallery
Video Details Page
Live Video Recording
Newsroom Business Category Page
Social Media User Public Profile Screen

Social Media App Features

Our social media platform provides several features and tools to make social networking a breeze. We have incorporated the best of the features from Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to this platform customised to our clients needs.

Public Forum: In the public forum, posts from users across the platform is presented and sorted based on the popularity, current trending topics and user interest.

Private Forum: In the private forum, posts from users followed are presented sorted by popularity and current trends.

Networking Tools: Our social media platform has several features to encourage networking and community building. Users can like other users posts, share, bookmark, comment and reply to posts. They can also follow and friend other users in the platform.

Multiple Media Formats: Our social media platform supports multiple media types and post formats. Users can post photos, videos and webpage links. All popular media formats of photos and videos are supported.

Trending Topics: To support real time conversations on current topics, our social media platform supports hashtags. Trending topics are tracked and highlighted. Popular content creators are also highlighted based on the endorsement of their content from the platform users.

Video Gallery: Our video gallery presents popular and trending videos created by the users. Users can upload short length videos or live record videos and post them on the fly.

1-to-1 messaging: Our social media platform also support one to one messaging. Users can private chat with text, photos or videos with their friends in the platform with ease.

Newsroom: In the newsroom section, news items from popular news sites are collated, sorted into categories such as politics, business etc and presented to the user sorted by the latest.

Praise for our custom Social Media App

" like to tip my hat to the team. This is a very well laid out app "


CloutHub User

Design Adornment
Design Adornment

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APPiLY Technologies is an IT services company based in Bangalore, India. We provide mobile, web and cloud development services.

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